est. Dec, 2008

I am Nataniel, an engineer. If you a have a chance to meet me, you could end up depicts me in many ways. The first impression mostlikely that I am arrogant or ‘congkak’ . You could find me as an sporty boy who has swimming, running, hiking as his hobby. Or an artsy man while taking picture with his camera hanging on his shoulder. A travel holic if you cross my journey path. Probably a classic man can describe me if you see me in the church or concert venue singing classical music in a choir. A geek if you talk to me about techy things. Or as a ‘kind-busy-man’ with his calculation about his stocks and mutual fund. But an INFJ-er fits me very well.

This blog belongs to Nataniel. someone who is looking for identity and become his true self. writings listed in this book may be just a notch, meaningless , but it will become a reminder of times that will not be repeated.


One Response

  1. Malem mas, boleh minta softcopy foto rumah adat bolon bataknya yg resolusi tinggi? saya butuh banget mas untuk buat banner ukuran 2×5. jika berkenan saya sangat terimaksih sekali.

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