Chitato Rasa Indomie
Jadi semenjak gw diungsikan ke tempat terpencil, banyak hal-hal kekinian yang gw lewatkan. Biasanya gw termasuk orang yang paling update. 8-) Sebut saja film-film terbaru, entah sudah berapa judul film yang gw lewatkan. Di Tembagapura sana akses untuk nonton sangatlah terbatas, hanya bermodalkan copian film dari teman atau nonton dari HBO. Kalau mau download tentu saja […]
Tanjung Bira, Bulukumba
I spent my first week of my vacation this time at Bulukumba, visiting Bara beach. It supposed to be in January, but after having discussion with hostel owner, Jordan, he recommended me to come on March. He was true, this month is the best time to enjoy the beach, no rain and cloudy sky. […]
So, on the last January, I had my another first time, become a Bestman for my friends wedding. Friends? yes, both of them is my friend. They are Levi and Albert. Several months before, they ask me if its pssible for me to attend their wedding later. It was a tough decision because I can […]