Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (PSM-ITB)
the Intern Concert of PSM-ITB
PSM-ITB in Concert 2010
“Exploring Culture Through Music”
Indra Listyanto, Music Director
Benedictus PAW, Conductor
Dea Widyaevan, Conductor
Mahening Citravidya, Pianist
Performing wonderful Choral Works from Renaissance, Romantic, and International Folksongs
featuring J. Arcadelt, Orlando di Lasso, Johannes Brahms, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,
A. Sveshnikov, Neil Ginsberg, Iman Raminsh, Vijay Singh, and John Leavitt.
February 12th, 2010
7.30 pm
Aula Barat ITB
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
VIP : Rp. 50.000,-
Regular : Rp. 30.000,-
Non-ITB Student : Rp 25.000,-
ITB Student : Rp. 15.000,-
Get invitation at :
Area Parkir ATM Centre ITB ( Boulevard )
Jl.Ganesha No.10 Bandung
For information and reservation:
Olivia 081385890188
Yesie 085641488185