Covid-19 Day 81 : PSBB will be over soon?



Photographer, content designer and trader

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This afternoon, Pak Anies has delivered his press conference about the status of PSBB. It has been two weeks since the prolonged PSBB. In his conference, PSBB will be loosen so some activity can be conducted.

Event though the decision of PSBB status is today, many offices has granted their employee to work back in the office this week. My office is still locked for regular activity, we need permission if we want to work in the offcice building. The decision making is based on the data that he prepare today. The most important indicator is Effective Reproduction Number (Rt). As per today, the ratio become 0.99, compared to the ratio in March it was 3.xx. This ratio explain how many people can be affected by one victim.
Reproduction Number (Rt) = tingkat penularan. Jika R=4, artinya satu orang berpotensi menularkan pada empat orang. Jika R<1, artinya potensi menularkan pada orang lain sudah hampir tidak ada. Wabah akan terus bertambah bila R>1, dan wabah akan berkurang bila R<1
Based on those data, seems the PSBB showing the good result to stop the virus spreading faster. I hope people get more awareness about their healthy from now on. So, let see if we will back to the office next week. And should I change the daily title after the PSBB?

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