Covid-19 Day 20



Photographer, content designer and trader

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Couple days ago, I read a news about PMI that was struggle to get more blood for patient. Yes, due to the outbreak, people get scared to go to PMI for giving blood. That is understandable. Everyone wants to reduce the risk. Because of that news, I convince my self, this is the time to giving blood.

PMI Kramat

Last donation that I did was June 2019, jus a day before I leave Tembagapura. I regularly gives my blood there, even though my HB level is high. Actually its normal for people who lives in the highland has high level of HB. Since the Oxygen level in the highland is low, our body adapt to this condition by producing more protein (HB) to bond more oxygen. The normal HB level for mai is 15-17. Usually I got 18. At this level when we go to PMI or normal donation dept, they will refuse us because the blood will not be useful. But in Tembagapura, giving blood can be considered as ‘healthy’ action. I dont know where my blood will ended up.

On November 2019, I tried to give my blood in the church. However my HB level still high, maybe still need time for adaptation in lowland (Jakarta). They suggest me to drink more water.

This morning around 10 am, I go to PMI Kramat by Gojek. The road really empty, no traffic jam. This is the first trip I make since WFH. I am quite surprise that there still many people come to PMI for giving blood. PMI provides a hall for waiting room, following the rule for physical distance. The chair is separated by 1m each. There is two category, Voluntary donation and Requested donation. I go for voluntary. I am happy to see the spirit of these people. I have to fill form, as usual, about may data and my medical record. This form has more points compared to the other form i have filled before. There is poin about country that we have visited, the time, about sex activity. etc.

Donor Darah

After hand over my form I have to wait until my turn for pre check up. We have to check the blood condition (HB). When the nurse take my blood and put it in her measurement tool, I wish my HB getting lower. I saw the screen, it is 15.2. I ask again the nurese. “So, I am able to give my blood?”. “Sure…” hahah. Happpy.

After that I go to the doctor for the next exam and then go to level 5 for taking blood. I dont have to wait too long until my name being called.

I asked the nurse to put me in the other bed so they can take my blood from my right hand. I have bad experience with the left one. Hahaha. Eventhough I have done this thing many many times, but I still have no guts to watching the needle thrusting to my body. It not that painfull, just creepy.

Donor Darah

Donor Darah

The other person beside me finish his turn earlier than me. The nurse ask me about my HB. I say it is 15.2.

“Hmmm.. at this level should be okay”

Then she try to adjust the needle, try to push it  more. Whatttt……

“Ah, we just need to push it more”. She smile, leave me paralized. hahaha..

After finish, I got my new card and vitamin to boost my blood production. I have a lot of card before and always counting from 1. If I am not wrong I have give my blood almost 40 times. I did it since I was in senior high school. The database in their system is not really good. Every PMI region have their own database.

Before leaving, every donor get meal to gain their strength again. The food its not that compelling compare the last one I did in this PMI back in 2013. Hahaha.

I go home with Gojek again. On the way the driver asks me about giving blood. I explain quite lot and urge him to try it sometime later.

I hope my donation can save someone life out there.

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