Christmas is coming..!
i heard Christmas song every where, especially at mall. it makes me miss my hometown. *galau. unfortunately I can not celebrate the day with my family this year (probably). ok, that’s not the story.
i want to share a very joyful experience of mine. so, two days lately, me and my friends prepare a caroling performance at one of biggest mall in Jakarta. Actually this idea came from my friend several days ago, he said that the competition will be held on Sunday. that means we only have a day to rehearsal. so impulsive. :D . after decided the song, we have a rehearsal on Saturday.
jeng2..jeng.. the the day is coming.
we got the latest number. so we performed at the very very ending of the party. during the waiting time, we did some vocalizing and of course listened to another participant. some choir get us down, they had a good preparation. but show must go on.
photo by gita
MC announced our team name, and we go on to the stage. a different atmosphere suddenly get in to my soul. it always like that when we have to sing in front of many people. haha.. nervous! . after take a deep breath, our conductor start to lead us.
after the performance we had a comment-time from the jury. one of the jury said that we have a distinct voice. soft and warm. he said “angelic voice”. ooooo… (definitely not mine :D ).
the sad part is we dont get a champion. yeah, it’s ok. the point of our performance is reuni and sing together. there is more story behind the competition. we had luch together, dinner with full-of-laugh ceremony, hunting some Christmas things for our costume ( of course the cheapest one, thank for carefour and its neighbour for the hat and ribbon).
thank you for the music guys.. :)
photos by ijot

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4 Responses
do re mi fa sol…
seragam hitam hitam bagus juga buat choir
kostum default buat choir. haha
penyanyi koor ternyata.. dan napa gitu ga bisa mudik saat natal? mumpung libur panjang kan?
iya :).
gak ada cuti euy..