2013 Resolution Review



Photographer, content designer and trader

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Did a random read of my previous posts, and get one about resolution of year 2013. Honestly, I did not remember that I wrote some target for last year. So, lets review it now.

Well, the secret one still remains as a mystery of my life. haha. Just let it flow and keep calm.

How about traveling things? I did two trips last year. I went to Bali with my family, my dad and sisters. It was really fun yet sad since my mother could not joined us due to her health. The other trip is I and my friends go to Pari Island. It was only a two-days trip, but that was amazing. We really enjoyed that moment.

For this one, I am so proud with myself. I am investing my money to Reksa Dana (RD). Currently I have three RD phortofolios in total, two from Schroder and one from Panin PAM. Last year really an acrobatic moment for RD since the value of RD fluctuated from mid year until the beginning of this year. I ever felt how’s almost-two-million defisit looks like. But today, the value already get its green zone.

Health. Last year I examined my health at Siloam Hospital and I ended up with shock when I read the result. The doctor said that my cholesterol was to high, almost get the normal threshold. She suggest me to do workout. Since then, I swim regularly at Saripan Hotel. *thanks to Levi for the cheap membership.  Oh, I also gained my weight to 60. When I go to my home at Toraja, I did not hear “You are so skinny, my son” anymore.

The last is my relationship with the Lord. I am glad that I can joined a community at Theresia Church, called KEP. The members are very kind and humble, we support each others. Really a positive community. I also get my self in to a choir. A great choir with great singer members, Capella Victoria Jakarta.

What else? I think its enough.

Ok, we will see for this year. What can i do…


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