#Gabut Happy New Year

I become a chinese for a day, celebrate the Lunar Chinese New Year. Well, most of my friend is chinese, jadi mau gak mau ikut-ikutan dah ngerayain sekalian kumpul-kumpul dengan teman-teman. Sebenarnya mau ngerayainnya kemarin malam, tapi berhubung kemarin adalah hari Rabu Abu dimana kita pada pantang dan puasa, serta kesibukan masing-masing, jadinya ketemuannya hari ini. Teman-teman […]

#Gabut Choir Things

Gw gak pernah bisa lepas dari yang satu ini. haha. mungkin sudah mendarah daging di dalam diri gw #freak. Balik ke jakarta gw manfaatin untuk ikut aktif lagi di choir gereja, Cappella Victoria Jakarta. Sudah beberapa bulan tidak menyanyi lagu-lagu renaisance. haha. Kami sempat tugas beberapa kali di luar lingkungan Gereja St. Theresia, salah satunya […]

#Gabut Baca Buku

Kalau yang ini rada produktif, baca buku. Mungkin sudah bertahun-tahun gw gak baca buku sampai selesai. Biasanya baca buku pelajaran doang :D #boong, biasanya baca sinopsisnya doang atau tunggu sampai ada filmnya. Di masa gabut gw ini setidaknya gw baca beberapa buku in parallel, walaupun belum beres semua. Itu pun karena buku-bukunya gratisan #mureh. The […]

#Gabut Berenang

Berenang adalah salah satu hobby gw. Kalau berenang itu rasanya ademm banget. Ya iyalah kan airnya dingin. Saking seringnya berenang, kulit gw yang hitam ini tambah hitam. Dari bulan desember lalu kayaknya gw sudah mencoba setidaknya lebih dari 5 kolam renang. Sekalian aja gw review satu-satu. Hotel Pantan Toraja – sehari sebelum balik ke Jakarta gw […]

#Gabut Rekor Nonton Film

Sejak Desember lalu, gw sering banget ke bioskop. Alasannya? pertama karena banyak film yang belum gw tonton karna di swedia mahal dan gw gak ngerti subtitlenya. haha. Kedua, karena gw gak ada kerjaan. Gw sendiri udah lupa film-film apa yang gw nonton saking banyaknya, sebut saja Hobbit, PK, Woman in black, dan Mordetcai, dll #orangkaya. […]

#Gabut Donor Darah

Senin kemarin gw memutuskan untuk mengisi waktu dengan Donor Darah. Gw cek di catatan gw, ternyata terkahir gw donor adalah bulan April 2014. Sudah hampir setahun lebih. Jadi ini adalah waktu yang tepat menurut gw. Setelah makan siang, gw menuju kantor PMI di daerah kramat/salemba. Gw sudah pernah donor sekali disini bareng teman gereja dan gw […]


Postingan-postingan dengan hashtag #gabut ini terinspirasi dari nasib gw yang [hampir] gak jelas ini. Rencananya gw di Indonesia hanya untuk sebulan, tapi akhirnya gw sudah bayar uang kost untuk ketiga kalinya. Gw masih menunggu berita dari Imigrasi Swedia untuk kejelasan work permit. Karena di Indonesia gw gak ada kerjaan yang penting, alhasil gw jarang ke […]

Merry Christmas

Tahun ini gw merayakan Natal di Indonesia. *emang sebelum-sebelumnya dimana? -.-. Walaupun tidak dengan keluarga, tapi gw merayakannya dengan teman-teman. Gw bisa ketemu teman KEP, IBM, PSM/Octava, dan CVJ. Bahkan gw sempat ikut pelayanan misa Natal di Kedutaan Vatikan. Selamat Natal buat teman-teman yang merayakan. God Jul !


Salah satu yang menjadi konsen gw sekarang adalah Kolestrol. Terkesan tua banget yak? haha. Walaupun gw kurus, tapi ternyata banyak yang bilang malah lebih bahaya kalau orang kurus kelebihan kolestrol. Tahun lalu gw sempat medical check up di rumah sakit Siloam, ternyata kolestrol gw cukup tinggi, hampir 200. Nilai aman untuk kolestrol adalah dibawah 200 mg/dL. […]

Awesome Birthday Surprise on The Plane

First of all, Happy birthday Nate! Well, selamat buat gw yang udah tambah tua. Semoga dengan bertambahnya angka umur, bertambah pula kedewasaan gw, makin dekat dengan Tuhan, dan tentunya rejeki bertambah. Aminnn.. – prolog

Rindu Pulang, Rindu Jakarta

Tak terasa sudah hampir tiga bulan gw berada di negri ini. Sudah [lumayan] banyak pengalaman yang gw peroleh mulai dari kegembiraan, kekaguman, kegalauan, sampai kebosanan.. Awal-awalnya setiap ditanya apakah gw kangen pulang? Gw jawab pasti gak. Haha, malah pengen nambah waktu tinggalnya. Tapi ternyata idealisme itu luntur juga :D.

Listrik Statis

Pernah mengalami kesetrum listrik ketika pengang handle pintu atau bahan metal? Yap, listrik statis. Mungkin kalau di Indonesia kejadian ini tidak sering terjadi, dan gw sendiri mengalaminya hanya di saat-saat tertentu. Namun cerita itu berbeda ketika gw ke Swedia. Tiap hari kayaknya gw kesetrum lebih dari sepuluh kali. Tiap kali buka pintu atau ambil jacket dari […]

Future Me

Have you ever heard about futureme? I guess you have not. This kind of stuff is to send you an email from the past. How come? Yes, just read an email and put the date when will the email be sent. It is so fun, you can write an email to cherish your future, or […]

Finally, Sunny Day

I wake up with smile this morning. It is not the same morning before, the sun is shining. My room seems more warmer although the real feel still freezing. But thanks to God, there are still many things that I can grateful for.

Daylight Saving

One thing in this country, or maybe in four-season country, is daylight saving. On a particular date, the clock will be turned an hour earlier. The purpose is to get the extra daylight, if I am not mistaken. And it happened when we were in Oslo. We were lucky because my phone automatically updated with the system. It […]

Lidah Indonesia Pisan

Well, salah satu yang membuat gw susah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru adalah makanan. Gw akui lidah gw termasuk lidah lokal, dan agak ribet dengan masalah rasa. Kalau jalan-jalan ke tempat baru tapi masih di Indonesia, gw masih bisa tahan kalau makanannya aneh, minimal ada satu common ground antara makanan lokal indonesia, spicy.

New Life

Actually it is new job. Yap, per August 2014, I am not working in IBM anymore. I joined a company from Sweden. It was a hard decision to leave my old job, I have bounded with my friends and so the client. Hehe. The things I ‘hate’ is when I had to say good bye […]

Hello Again

I come again, after months. Based on my friend information, I moved my hosting to another hoster. Unfortunately, I got many problem during migration. It was my bad, I dont have enough knowledge about this things, just backup the database and move it to the new hosting. And I ended up with error in many […]

Just Giving Up on Me

 imagine when someone that used to love you say good bye – love this song, emotional.

Should We Congrat Jokowi for his Election ?

As a part of Jakarta, I am not really happy about the election of Jokowi by PDIP as President candidate for the next election. I think it is to premature to let Jokowi leave his job as governor of Jakarta. There still a lot of work to be done. I admit that Jokowi track record […]

Those guys still exist

I read my blackberry (yes, i’m still maintaining my old BB) short message this morning. It said that my subscription for monthly BIS already over. Hmm.. That means I need to buy the voucher again. Actually I dont really need the BIS, but my client forced me to keep activating my BB so they can […]

Bad News

I was shocked when I read my Lecturer status on Facebook. “Turut berduka cita. Firman Chandra Siregar, ikut dalam musibah Malaysia Airlines. Semoga Tuhan memberikan yang terbaik untuk Firman dan keluarganya. “ Oh my God, that name in the manifest list is my friend’s name. Firman is my classmate at ITB, not really a classmate, […]

The Story of Lost Phone

And, everything seems different 30 minute later.. Hmm.. may be this group is cursed, almost the member had lost their phone. Should I leave? haha..

2013 Resolution Review

Did a random read of my previous posts, and get one about resolution of year 2013. Honestly, I did not remember that I wrote some target for last year. So, lets review it now. Well, the secret one still remains as a mystery of my life. haha. Just let it flow and keep calm. How […]

Saturday Meet Up

I was waken up by Adrianti call today, it was 7.45am. She asked me whether I have a plan going out for today. I said that I am flexible, then she informed me that our friend, Yoan, is in the hospital now. Yoan has been hospitalized for three days. Anti asked me to accompany her and […]

Dampak Bencana Alam Indonesia

Indonesia sedang menghadapi beberapa terjangan bencana alam, mulai tanah longsor, gempa bumi, banjir dan sekarang letusan gunung berapi. Sementara Gunung Sinabung di Sumatra Utara masih menahan muntahannya, Gunung Kelud di Jawa Timur dengan mengejutkan tiba-tiba meletus. Letusan terjadi hanya selang sejam setelah status Awas dikeluarkan oleh pihak berwenang. Letusan gunung ini termasuk dahsyat, bahkan diperkirakan […]

Happy Anniversary

THINK ! time flies, it is already a year let’s face the future congrats also to Jokowi – Ahok. we have the same ‘first day’ :D

Just an Innocent Guy

I just had a worst morning today. I was fail for audit from IT Department from Singapore. As I ever mentioned about privilege user for all employee in my company, we are forbidden to access non business link and using unsecure devices on our laptop. I was so ‘lucky’ to be selected by audit team. […]

IBM Batik Day

It was a fun day! To celebrate Batik day as world heritage, we are asked to wear batik on that day. Not just to wear batik, but also to make a team picture to join photo competition. As the fire burning in GTS team spirit, #lebay , GTS always done the job with maximum effort. […]

KEP 8 St. Therecia Graduation

Today is our graduation as disciple of KEP 8 ( Kursus Evangelisasi Pribadi ) at St. Theresia Church. It has been nine months since our first meeting. I joined this group because of the ‘call’ . haha.. I felt that I was lack of spiritual religion in my life. Besides I also want to find […]

Low Fat Diet

#sigh.. Before lunch, I went to MRCC siloam hopital to get my medical check up result. It was very hot out there, even in the halte. Yeah, we are now living in unpredictable season. I arrived at hospital about 12pm. MCU room is on 25th floor. It was very difficult o find a lift, just […]

Red Eye

One thing that I love to be an employee is the medical facility from company. Today a had an appointment at Siloam MRCC Hospital for MCU. Actually I just need the prescription from an opthamologist. Hehe. This was not my first time for MCU, I have plenty experience when I was a joobseeker. Hehe. The […]

Visiting Panti Wreda Melania

Since I join the KEP in Theresia Church, we have to visiting a ‘panti’ at least one. I and my group still dont have any idea where to go, so we join the other team. Luckily, they allow me with pleasure. haha. Today we go to Panti Wreda Melania at Rempoa Bintaro. We met at […]

If I were You

This song is not very popular one from Hoobastank, but I still consider it as a great song.  Suddenly played on my playlist. reminds me of old memory at highschool. I did not really understand the meaning at that time, but today, think I know that feeling.   “If I Were You” You seem to […]

Jakarta tidy up

What  do you think when you look at this picture? I guess you will assume that it’s taken at somewhere at Italy :P. hehe.  What if I say, I took that picture this morning at Thamrin street in front of Plaza Indonesia. :) Several days ago in the morning, I was shocked when I walked […]

I just don’t like them

When the conversation goes to “what kind of food do you like the most?” , I will end up with confuse. May be I will just say “pork”. :D. I am sort of person that not really passionate in eating. But if you ask me ” what kind of food that you hate to eat ?” then […]

New Office Regulation

There is new regulation from my company about office facility utilization, especially Thinkpad. My company restrict employee to use their Thinkpad for non business application.  So every personal stuff should be deleted in given time or their will be deleted automatically.  It is like a nightmare to whom put their secret file on Thinkpad. Since I […]

Indonesia Badminton

Congratulation to Indonesia badminton team for winning three titles on Singapore Open 2013. It’s really a good news in our ‘desert’ condition. #lebay. Thanks to Liliaya/Tantowi “Idol of Thousand people”, Tommy, and Hendra/Ahsan “The most Charming couple in Asia”. (epithet by @bulutangkisri admin). Until the last 2012, Indonesia was seem buried by other country just […]


Yeah, you can call me ‘narsis’ guy. I love traveling and so photography, what a combination. One thing that never miss to bring is phone with best camera on it. Possessing a Lumia 920 make me more aggressive in taking photo. Haha.. I proud to be a lumia-owner. I guess, you camera-guy, will always the […]


Officially, Inferno becomes one of my bookshelves  member. Periplus salesman successful tempted me to buy this book. I already search for lowest price at many stores such as times, kinokuniya, gramedia, and amazone. I ended up at periplus staring at inferno looking forward to brown cover. They said that those already sold out. I admited […]

Pantai Mutiara

Really enjoy the moment while seeing a wide scenery especially sea or beach. Its like every burden is left from me. :D. Looking at a far ship and building across the sea feels like every thing is possible to reach your dream. I went to Pantai Mutiara with my fellow after having swimming at Senayan. […]

Tea Walk

Finally, gw pergi ke Puncak. Sudah 6 tahun gw di Bandung dan Jakarta baru kali ini gw pergi ke Puncak. Sejauh ini paling cuma sampai Bogor. hehe.. Jadi kemarin itu OMK (Orang Muda Katolik) St. Theresia mengadakan sebuah acara yaitu rekreasi rohani ke Gunung Mas Puncak. Gw dengan teman-teman KEP gw daftar acara ini sebenarnya […]

Quick Flash Back

Tulisan terakhir adalah 23 hari yang lalu. Waktu yang cukup panjang tanpa menulis satu pun di gudang ini. Biasanya gw tiap hari menulis walaupun cuma nyampah karena gak ada kerjaan atau benar-benar penting untuk ditulis. Namun sekarang gw sudah sibuk, akhirnyaaa. Tiap hari pulang kost sudah malas untuk buka laptop. Mandi trus ke tempat tidur […]

Mengkendek, village of pine tree

Reminds me of a village in Toraja, my hometown, called Mengkendek. That village full of  pine tree. The air is so chilly. source : amazing places


Bank Yang Pasti Akan Tutup Karena Krisis Global Kepada Rekan-Rekan yang punya simpanan di Perbankan Indonesia : Mohon kiranya bagi siapa yg memiliki rekening di bank yg tercantum dibawah ini agar waspada dan terus memonitor perkembangan bank dimaksud sebelum terjadi kesulitan utk mencairkan dananya. DAFTAR BANK YANG AKAN TUTUP – KARENA KRISIS GLOBAL Dengan krisi global […]

Another Day

I have a more intensive meeting with my friend from Church. We have a big project to do on October, so we have to make a perfect plan. Besides, I also can continue my routine of giving my blood. My last donor was last year at Bandung and you know my weight still the same. […]